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Group Tour VS Individual - Understand the Advantages

Group Tour VS Individual - Understand the Advantages

For over 2 decades, men have embarked on either group tours or individual tours to countries like Russia, Ukraine, China, Colombia and the Philippines.

While men have found success via both methods, the importance of understanding the differences and advantages to each method continues to ensure the future success of men who are thinking about taking either of these tours.

Anna and Dina, both Eastern European women with direct insight into the international matchmaking industry, provide an in depth analysis of group tours Vs individual tours, in the interest of helping men decide which method would work best for their own international dating aspirations.

Anna has worked as a group tour leader and individual tour coordinator for over ten years, giving her a hands on knowledge of the process. Dina met her husband during his group tour to Saint Petersburg Russia and can speak to the success of the method, with nearly two decades on marriage approaching between her and her husband.

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